About Habitat Wakulla

Habitat for Humanity of Wakulla County is a small, independent organization affiliated with Habitat for Humanity, Int. We provide affordable housing for Wakulla County residents, with a goal to build one house per year. We are an all VOLUNTEER organization.

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The Wakulla County ReStore is a multi-purpose store. The ReStore sales contribute to our ability to build homes and service our current homeowners.

Click here to view our Facebook page for more current information on our workdays

Most recent home build. Completion date scheduled for 06/30

Announce upcoming fundraisers

Fundraisers help raise money for builds and depend on community sponsors and support. These will be advertised in community publications, posters, and on this website.


We are looking for families who are interested in becoming owners of Habitat homes in the Lake City / Columbia County Area. Successful candidates for Habitat homes need to be residents of Columbia County and satisfy three criteria:

For more information please see our partner family application.

If you would like to have your group, business ,or organization volunteer or provide lunch to our workers, please email us at info@hfhlakecity.org.